Russian Literature and Arab World (to the History of ArabRussian Literary Connections). Book 1
Еditor: Irina Bily`k , Frolova Elena
Москва, 2014, 524 p.
The book presents the history of the literary relations between the Arab world and Russia from the epoch of its emergence in the second half of the 19th century until nowadays. The work consists of two parts. In the first part the overall character and emergence of the Arab-Russian literary relations are chronologically scrutinized. The author also depicts the further development of those relations according to historical stages in different regions of the Arabic cultural realm. The emergence and the evolution of the Arab-Russian literary contacts are considered in a broad framework of the socio-cultural context of the Arabic social reality. Much attention is rendered to the activities of the Arab translators, as well as to the critical and scholarly works, composed by Arab propagators of the Russian classical literary pieces, as well as of the works by the writers of the Soviet period. The second part of the book is devoted to the concrete study of the perception of the Russian literature in the Arab world. The author throws light over the Arabic approach towards the translation of the Russian literary pieces and to the evaluation of the creative activities of such different writers from the view-point of style, as N. Gogol, I. Turgenev and A. Chekhov. The researcher compares the original works of these authors with the Arab translations fulfilled directly on the basis of the Russian language, which permitted to clarify the dynamics of the translational practice and the change of the translators’ attitude to their tasks in different stages of the development of their native literatures. The role of intermediate languages in the activities of Arab translators is also taken into consideration. A great part of the material is for the first time included in the Russian Arabic studies.
РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Русская литература и арабский мир (к истории арабо- русских литературных связей). Кн. 1