
Пакистан: экономические диспропорции и региональная политика государства Пакистан: экономические диспропорции и региональная политика государства
Пакистан: экономические диспропорции и региональная политика государства Пакистан: экономические диспропорции и региональная политика государства

Irina Zhmujda, Marina Morozova, Navaz Shax

Pakistan. Economic Disproportions and Regional Policy of the State

Москва, 2007, 240 p.

Regional policy and planning are compound and important part of economic policies of the majority of developing countries of the world. Any regional policy includes a complex of various administrative, legislative and economic measures. Some of them are obligatory for all regions and are accepted by the central government, and other — by regional and local authorities. However all of them are directed both on developments of perspective areas, and on raising of level of depressive regions, definition of the sizes of cities, zones of industrial processing, etc. These factors have been taken for a basis at a writing of the complex monograph «Pakistan. Economic Disproportions and Regional Policy of the State». The work has been written by collective of authors (two of them are scholars of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, whereas journalist Shah Nawaz is Doctor of Politology from Pakistan) on the basis of studying and generalization of large statistical material, scientific researches on economic, social and political problems of contemporary Pakistan. Five years' plans, the governmental programmes, materials of Pakistan censuses on industry, agriculture, population, separate reports and inspections of the industrial and commercial enterprises and villages have served as sources for the given work.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Пакистан: экономические диспропорции и региональная политика государства