
Россия и Пакистан. Общие вызовы и возможности Россия и Пакистан. Общие вызовы и возможности
Россия и Пакистан. Общие вызовы и возможности Россия и Пакистан. Общие вызовы и возможности

Moskalenko Vladimir, Topychkanov Petr

RUSSIA AND PAKISTAN. Shared Challenges and Common Opportunities

Москва, 2014, 30 p.

For at least the next decade, threats emanating from South Asia will directly challenge Russia’s security. The ongoing Afghan conflict and cross-border issues such as terrorism, organized crime, and nuclear security, all of which reverberate in Moscow, guarantee long-term engagement between Russia and Pakistan. To address these shared challenges, Moscow needs a new approach to South Asia that prioritizes developing Russian-Pakistani relations.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Россия и Пакистан. Общие вызовы и возможности