
Экономика Ирана и Турции сегодня.  Влияет ли ислам на выбор модели развития? Экономика Ирана и Турции сегодня. Влияет ли ислам на выбор модели развития?
Экономика Ирана и Турции сегодня.  Влияет ли ислам на выбор модели развития? Экономика Ирана и Турции сегодня. Влияет ли ислам на выбор модели развития?

Mamedova Nina, Ul'chenko Nataliya

Economy of Iran and Turkey Today. Has Islam an Impact on the Choice of Model of Development?

Saarbruken (Германия), 2014, 76 p.

The main directions of socio-economic development of Iran and Turkey are analysed in this book. It shows the peculiarities of the implementation of various models of development in each of these countries. In opinion of authors, the liberal-market modernization of national economies, combined with prescribed by Islamic canons elements, such as strong social policies and measures for strengthening economic independence, provide a good economic and political results. In case of tough conservative and, in particular, radical interpretation of the theory of Islamic economics the possibilities of successful development of national economies may be significantly reduced.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Экономика Ирана и Турции сегодня. Влияет ли ислам на выбор модели развития?