
Корпус фольклорных текстов на языке сокотри. Т. 1. Корпус фольклорных текстов на языке сокотри. Т. 1.

Corpus of Soqotri Oral Literature. Vol. 1.

General Editor: Naumkin Vitaly
Еditor: Kogan Leonid

Leiden, 2014, 749 p.

For the first time since the early 1900s a significant number of folk texts in Soqotri language have been published in this volume. And now they are available to Semitologists. About 100,000 inhabitants of Soqotra Island in the Gulf of Aden (Yemen) speak Soqotri language. Soqotri language is one of the most archaic of the Semitic languages spoken today. The texts are presented in transcription, in English and Arabic, and also they are written in Soqotri language alphabet based on the Arabic alphabet. The book includes annotations, grammar, lexical, and literary explanations. The dictionary contains all the words available in this publication. The book is supplied with illustrations.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Корпус фольклорных текстов на языке сокотри. Т. 1.