
Каноны конфуцианства и школы имен : в 2 кн. Кн. 1. «Да-сюэ» : «Великое учение» святомудрых для школяров, ученых и владык, или Судьба конфуцианского канона в Китае, на Западе и в России Каноны конфуцианства и школы имен : в 2 кн. Кн. 1. «Да-сюэ» : «Великое учение» святомудрых для школяров, ученых и владык, или Судьба конфуцианского канона в Китае, на Западе и в России

Kobzev Artem

Canons of Confucianism and School of Names : in 2 Books. Book 1. “Ta Hsueh” : “Great Teaching” of Saint Men of Wisdom for Schoolies, Scientists and Overlords, or The History of Confucian Canon in China, in the West and Russia.

Москва, 2014, 320 p.

“Ta Hsueh” (“Great Teaching”) is one of main sacred books of China. It is the first one in “Ssu shu”, being a part of “Wu Ching” and “Shi San Jing”. Ascribed to Confucius, this book lies at the root of traditional Chinese philosophy, science, and pedagogics. The monograph includes reconstructed original text, its first in Russia sinology scientific translation and also translations of two main comments to it accomplished by greatest philosophers-neoconfucianists Chu Hsi (1130 – 1200) and Wang Yang-ming (1472 – 1529). The translations are commented in detail. They are preceded by explicit research of treatise history, its study and translations in the West as well as its dramatic destiny in Russia where from 18th cent. it became time and again an instrument in spiritual and socio-political struggle. The Supplement presents ancient Russian translation of “Ta Hsueh”, copies of their manuscripts and rare Chinese editions.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Каноны конфуцианства и школы имен : в 2 кн. Кн. 1. «Да-сюэ» : «Великое учение» святомудрых для школяров, ученых и владык, или Судьба конфуцианского канона в Китае, на Западе и в России