
Динамика российско-турецких отношений в условиях нарастания глобальной нестабильности Динамика российско-турецких отношений в условиях нарастания глобальной нестабильности
Динамика российско-турецких отношений в условиях нарастания глобальной нестабильности Динамика российско-турецких отношений в условиях нарастания глобальной нестабильности

Ul'chenko Nataliya, Shlykov Pavel

Dynamics of Russian-Turkish Relations in the Context of Global Instability Growth

Еditor: Naumkin Vitaly

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2014, 96 p.

The book represents findings of a complex research project on the development of Russian-Turkish bilateral relations in the first decade of the 2000s which pretends to go down in history as a “golden age” of Russian-Turkish friendship. Pragmatism of mutual interests helped Moscow and Ankara to smooth and defuse acute angles in the political and economic relations, this stance also facilitated to minimize the negative influence of the international political situation. However the current format of Russian-Turkish bilateral relations seemed to gain the “limits of growth”: the model of cooperation with predominance of trade and economic has mostly played out and potential for cooperation in the political realm remains largely unexercised. The authors explore the possibilities for further progress in the bilateral relations and ways to bring these relations to the higher level. To this end, the authors scrutinize the dynamics of today situation in the political dialogue between the two states; analyse factors of development and stagnation in the mutual trade and economic relations; investigate possible ways for Russian-Turkish cooperation in the Middle East, Central Asia and the Caucasus; and consider the opportunities for interaction in the spheres of culture, education, etc.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Динамика российско-турецких отношений в условиях нарастания глобальной нестабильности