
Востоковеды России ХХ – начало XXI в.  Материалы к словарю : исправления и дополнения Востоковеды России ХХ – начало XXI в. Материалы к словарю : исправления и дополнения

Russian Orientalists : 20th – beg. of 21st Cent. Materials to the Dictionary : Improvements and Additions

Editor: Zharekhina Rimma
Compilator: Zharekhina Rimma, Petushkova M., Popaidekina Yu, Tutushina O.

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Москва, 2014, 76 p.

In 2008 S.D. Miliband compiled and published a 2-volume biobibliographical dictionary “Russian Orientalists” which worked up a great scientific and public interest. But soon the necessity of additions to the book became evident. The reasons were: collecting of the new scientific material and some gaps and inaccuracies in the Dictionary. The workers of bibliographical department under the Institute of Oriental Studies (RAS) arranged for this addendum – missed names were reestablished, mistakes were corrected, and new material was included. The present work contains the names of the scientists which were missed in 2008 edition. The articles about orientalists published in 2008 Dictionary were supplied with new biographical information (marked as numerical letter I). The part “General Works” contains the books and monographs which were not included in 2-volume edition (II). Literature about life and creations of orientalists are marked as III. The compilers express special gratitude to Yu.L. Peshkovsky who worked in bibliographical department under IOS, RAS, from 1960 to 2010 and took an active part in preparing the Dictionary.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Востоковеды России ХХ – начало XXI в. Материалы к словарю : исправления и дополнения