
Восточное историческое источниковедение и специальные исторические дисциплины: Сборник статей. Вып. 3. Восточное историческое источниковедение и специальные исторические дисциплины: Сборник статей. Вып. 3.

Восточное историческое источниковедение и специальные исторические дисциплины: Сборник статей. Вып. 3.

Editorial Board: G. Beradze, G. Girs, G. Kurpalidis, Nastich V., Serikoff Nikolaj

Москва, 1995, 328 p.


Preface.... 3
Narrative Sources
Ts.AAbuladze, N.N.ShttlgellCL «А Book of the Conquest of Georgia» by the Othman Author Naml, 17th century (A short source study characteristic) ...8
F.Akimushkln Tarikh-1 Kashghar: a Source and Historiographic Analysis . ..15
F. M.Asadov. On Authenticity of Arabic Sources with Regard to the Numerical Strength of the Caliphate Amy in the 7th to 9th cc.... 31
T.ItBelsemblyev. An Unknown Source on the History of the Kokand Khanate in the 19th c. (An anonymous biography of Alimkul amir-i lashkar) . . . 38 N.M.Velikhanova. Ibn Khordadhbeh in a Goeje Publication: Conjectures .... 53
R. A.Guseinov. Time and Place of the Composition of Syrian and Arabic Versions of Chronicon Syriacum by Bar Hebraei (13th c.) ... 64
T.A.Denisova. The Chronicle «Tuhfat an-Nafis» by Raja Ali Haji as a Source of Studying Malayan Genealogical T rees....72
S. S.Kuznetsova. A Comprehensive Methodology for Studying the 14th18th-century Javan and Malayan Chronicles ... 80
G. M.Kurpalidis. On the Sources of «The Rahat-us-Sudur wa Ayat-us-surur» by Muhammad ar-Rawandi...92
R.G.Mukminova. Social Strata According to «Mahbub al-qulub» by Alisher N aw oi.... 99
V.Z.Piriyev. An Archaeographical Survey of the Compositions Headed «Dhail-i Tarikh-i Guzida» and on Some Methods of Testing the Authenticity of their Information ... 105
M .kfuSvanidze. The Date of the Othman Conquest of Constantinople in Georgian Sources ... 112
A. Urunbayev. Autographic Letters from «Nawoi Album» as a Source for the Study of Taxation in the 15th-century Khorasan.... 121
A. S. Yunusov. The Treatise of al-Tarsusi as a Source on Military Affairs of the Peoples of the East in the Second Half of the 12th ... 158
Documental Sources and Diplomatics
T. I.Abashidze, M.K.Surguladze. The State of the Studies of Georgian Historical Documents in the Light of the Tasks of Contemporary Diplomatics ... 170
G. Yu-Astanova. Documental Sources on the Causes and Chronological Framework of Miyankal U prising... 176
A.Gilyazov. Classification of the Uprising Documents of the Peasant War of 1773—1775 in Tataric ...184
G.A.Dzhurayeva. Waqf-name, 1540... 190
B. Kazakov. A Correction to the Attribution of a D ocum ent.... 199
ICG.Tabatadze. The 19th-century Persian Documents in the Tbilisi Collections on the History of Russo-Persian Relations.... 202
Fiction and Folklore as a Source of Studying History Z.N.Vorozheikina. *Cue»-poems (the short Persian qit‘a) as a Source for the Study of Ideological Life In a Medieval T o w n .... 210
M.V.Gabashvilt. The Persian Folk Dastan as a Source of Socio-Economic Terminology... 219
G.F.Girs. The Peculiarities of Opening Up the Plot in the Poem about Prince Mumtaz in Pushtu ... 229
Epigraphies, Sphragistics, Numismatics
T.M.Aitberov. To the History of the Daghestan Sphragistics (A seal of an unknown shamkhal of the early 16th century) .... 246
A. K.Bakradze. Georgian Sphragistics and the State of its Study.... 251
D.D.Vasilyev. The Personalise of the Old Turkic Epitaphs: the Prospects of a Source Study A nalysis...256
N.Sh.Dundua. 16th—18th-century seals of Georgian Kings with Arabic Lettering Inscriptions.... 267
B. D.Kochnev. On Certain Methods of Identifying Central Asian fals Coins of the Pre-Mongol T im es...280
V.N.Nastich. On Methods of Dating Medieval Arabic Lettering Monuments of Epigraphies in Ferghana and the Seven-Rivers Area (Semirech’ye) . . . 287
M.S.Neimatova. New Epigraphic Monuments from Nakhichevan ...303
Kh.A.Omarov. Seals of Shamil and his Officials .... 311
List of Scientific Publications by E.AJDavidovich. 1983—1992.... 320
List of Abbreviations ..... 323

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Восточное историческое источниковедение и специальные исторические дисциплины: Сборник статей. Вып. 3.