
Стиль Дзанабазара в буддийском изобразительном искусстве (На примере коллекции А. Алтангэрэла) Стиль Дзанабазара в буддийском изобразительном искусстве (На примере коллекции А. Алтангэрэла)

Syrtypova Surun-Khanda

Surun-Khanda Syrtypova. Zanabazar's style in Buddhist arts (usings example from the collection of A.Altangerel)

Ѳндѳр Гэгээн Занабазарын загвар хийц (А.Алтангэрэлийн цуглуулгын жишээн дээр)

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, , ,

Улан-Батор, 2019, 374 p.

Published under collaboration of Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, International Association for Mongolian Studies and Research Institute of Buddhism and Culture of Zuun Khure Monastery.
(In Mongolian and English)
Dzhebzundamba-Khutukhta Öndör-Gegen Zanabazar (1635-1723) was the first Buddhist ruler of Mongolia, who combined spiritual and secular leadership, and his activities made it possible to preserve the political viability of the country. But he was also a brilliant artist, whose greatest merit was the realization in the Buddhist art of Vajrayana the traditional aesthetics of the Mongolian nomads. Art history analysis and identification of the features of the artistic style by Zanabazar were carried out on a number of paintings, sculptural works by the master himself and by his followers. The author explored the sources of the artist's iconography, and proposed a method for identifying the style-forming factors of the Fine Arts of Mongolia. Buddhist images made by Mongolian masters are considered as a reflection of the cult practice in Mongolia in 13th-18th centuries. The glossary for the text is aimed at revealing the features of Mongolian Buddhism.
The book is intended for specialists in Oriental, Buddhist, Art studies, museum workers, collectors and a all, who is interested in the culture and art of the East.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Стиль Дзанабазара в буддийском изобразительном искусстве (На примере коллекции А. Алтангэрэла)