
Лан Шинин, или Джузеппе Кастильоне при дворе Сына Неба Лан Шинин, или Джузеппе Кастильоне при дворе Сына Неба
Лан Шинин, или Джузеппе Кастильоне при дворе Сына Неба Лан Шинин, или Джузеппе Кастильоне при дворе Сына Неба

Dubrovskaya Dinara

Lang Shining, or Giuseppe Castiglione at the Court of the Son of Heaven

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2018, 140 p.

The monograph is dedicated to Giuseppe Castiglione, Italian artist, who worked at the Manchu court of Chinese Emperors in the 18th c., and called himself Lang Shining. The author studies life and art of this painter of three Emperors and lay brother of the Order of Jesus, and his colleagues, who created the unique Sino-European style of painting. Relations of the crowned customer and European implementer, problems of Western direct perspective and its perception in China, main principles of court portraiture—from wives and concubines to horses and dogs are covered in detail. The book is addressed to historians, art historians, as well as a wide audience of readers interested in history and art of China and Italy.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Лан Шинин, или Джузеппе Кастильоне при дворе Сына Неба