Crimean Tatars and Challenges of 21st Century : A Collection of Articles
Симферополь, 2014, 164 p.
Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor E.S. Kulpin-Gubaidullin is one of the most famous experts in Crimea and Crimean Tatars. His articles help Crimeans and Crimean Tatars to better understand the reality, to seek the ways of mutual tolerance, and to make plans of a peaceful and constructive life together. This book is prepared for the 75th anniversary of E.S. Kulpin. It consists of the author’s memoirs, extracts from the book “Crimean Tatars – Problems of Repatriation”, interviews, articles and essays written by the scholar in connection with the problems of Crimea and Crimean Tatars and collected in chronological order.
РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Крымские татары и вызовы XXI века : сборник статей