
Динамика темпов глобальной инфляции: закономерности и прогнозы Динамика темпов глобальной инфляции: закономерности и прогнозы

Askar Akaev, Korotayev Andrey, Aleksej Fomin

Dynamics of Global Inflation Pace: Regularities and Prognoses

Москва, 2012, 32 p.

The authors analyse the dynamics of dollar inflation in the period from 1913 to 2012 using mathematical method. They come to the conclusion that if adequate measures were not taken, the end of the current year would face the outburst of inflation. This year will also become the beginning of stagfla-tion, because the fast-paced world economy growth can not be expected by this time, and stagflation consequences are overcome with great losses, as 1970 – 1980 years history confirmed. Furthermore, combination of low rate of growth and employment level with high inflation leads to sharp collapse of the consumption, thus deepening economic decline. In order to soften the af-termath of unrestrained money intervention (firstly, US dollars), it is neces-sary immediately to take under control money emission in the whole world. This issue must become the key one at the forthcoming summits G8 and G20.
This book is meant for a wide readership, taking interest in modern so-cial and economic processes, regularities of world development and prob-lems of integration of exact, natural and social sciences.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Динамика темпов глобальной инфляции: закономерности и прогнозы