
Первая мировая война в «восточном измерении». Сб. статей Первая мировая война в «восточном измерении». Сб. статей

The First World War in “Eastern Dimension”. Collection of Articles

Compilator: Filippova Tatiana

Москва, 2015, 336 p.

The collection of articles is devoted to the events and problems of World War I in Eastern countries and also to geopolitical rivalry of Great Powers for dominating in the East. The book includes the works of some Russian and foreign scientists who consider a wide range of issues, connected with sources, character and consequences of global conflict of the Empires and nations at the beg. of 20th cent., its reflection in different spheres of culture as well as “oriental context” of “Great War” in the history of Russia. The articles order in this work corresponds to problem-chronological principle. The collection of papers was published to the 9th Congress of Russian Orientalists.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Первая мировая война в «восточном измерении». Сб. статей