
Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып.26 Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып.26
Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып.26 Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып.26

Papers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS. Issue 26

Social and political processes in the east

Еditor: Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav, Mamedova Nina, Ul'chenko Nataliya

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2019, 648 p.

The book focuses on the problems of a culturally complex society in Muslim countries along the southern historical borders of Russia.


Foreword .... 13
N. Y. Ulchenko. Turkey on the way towards inclusive growth? (To the issue of effectiveness of the social policy of the Justice and Development Party)... 18
I. A. Svistunova. Non-Muslim minorities in today’s Turkey (case of Greek, Armenian and Jewish communities) ... 42
V.V.Tsibenko (Rostov-on-Don). Politicization of ethnic minorities in Turkey, case of Cherkeses .... 59
I. I. Ivanova. Turkey-Central Asia-Russia: changes in the configuration of the triangular .... 73
A. G. Gadjiyev. Relations between Turkey and European Union after the Turkish elections in 2018 ... 93
A. V. Boldyrev. To the issue of studying Turkey’s foreign policy during World War II ...102
N. M. Mamedova. Culrural complexity of the contemporary Iranian society .... 110
M. S. Kameneva. Ethnoconfessional minorities in the context of socio-cultural policy of the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran (study of the condition of the Bahai and Jewish communities) .... 131
E. V. Dunaeva. Dynamics of demographic processes in IRI (based on the materials of population census of 2016/17) ... 140
V. I. Sazhin. Iran-Azerbaijan: the Azerbaijani question today ...157
R. V. Suleimanov. Azerbaijanis as a factor of (in)stability in Iran ... 173
I. M. Babirov (Nizhny Novgorod). The Talysh minority in Azerbaijan and Iran: history of the problem and present situation ... 186
A. I. Polishchuk. ‘The Plan for realization of the cultural policy of IRI’ as an instrument of ‘soft power’ ... 201
K. V. Vertyaev. Aggregate nationalism: an experience of changing paradigm in national development of the countries of Middle East (case of Syria) ..212
V. M. Ahmedov. Transformation of ethnoconfessional structure of the Syrian society in the wake of conflict in SAR ..... 235
D. A. Vorodin (St. Petersburg). Crisis in Syria and the struggle of Syrian Kurds for self-determination .... 243
M. S. Ozmanian. Results of the 2018 parliament elections in Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan: Kurdish parties .... 256
I. E. Fedorova. Iran and Iraqi Kurdistan ... 271
N. Z. Mosaki. To the issue of regional geoeconomics: honey production in Iraqi Kurdistan ... 280
S. Poya. Ethnic conflicts in the modern history of Afghanistan ... 296
U. V. Okimbekov. Population of Afghanistan: dynamics of numbers, composition and conflicts on the basis of ethnicity ... 307
N. D. Sazhenov. Potential of separatism in today’s Afghanistan ... 346
O. E. Mitrofanenkova. Drug addiction problem in Afghanistan..354
M. O. Nessar. Five years of the rule of the Ashraf Ghani government.... 364
D. P. Yelagin. Specific features of the today’s socio-economic model of Afghanistan: influence of the internal armed conflict ... 379
R. D. Daurov, I. V. Shashkov. “Economic belt of the Silk Road” in the subregion of Afghanistan and Pakistan .... 396
V. Y. Belokrenitsky. Cultural complexity of the Pakistani society: ethnic and ethnoconfessional aspects ...420
S. N. Kamenev.  Population growth in Pakistan and its influence upon social processes .... 447
I. N. Serenko. Educational aspect of radicalization of the Pakistani society ...... 454
N. A. Zamaraeva. Military-civil administration of general P. Musharraf (constitional-legal and social bases) .... 465
V. V. Vorobyev. Role and importance of the judicial authorities in the political life of the contemporary Pakistan ..... 494
Y.-V. Y. Prochakov (Belorussia). Conflict in Baluchistan: a short history and current phase ... 508
R. E. Prohorov. Geoeconomics of Pakistani-Chinese relations .... 522
M.D. Sazedul Islam (Bangladesh). Factors behind the influence of Islamization in Bangladesh ... 531
L. A. Chereshneva (Lipetsk). Tebhaga movement in India (to the history of peasant protests in the East) ... 537
N. N. Tsvetkova. Eastern society in the perspective: lower urban stratas and automatization .... 546
K. M. Truevtsev. Globalization and Islamic world: after two waves of turbulence...... 565
G. G. Kosach. Saudi Arabia – socio-economic transformation..... 585
E. S. Melkumian. Strategy of development of the Arab Gulf monarchies: major priorities ...601
I. V. Ryzhov, M. Y. Borodina (Nizhny Novgorod). Confrontation between Shiites and Sunnis in the Middle East: history of the question and analysis of the contemporary state of affairs ... 611
M. A. Malov (Nizhny Novgorod). Modification of the status of small ethnic groups in the system of Middle Eastern international relations ...630

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып.26