
Махатхир бин Мохамад о современном мире (беседа с Виталием Наумкиным) = Mahathir bin Mohamad on the Contemporary World (A Conversation with Vitaly Naumkin) = Махатхир бин Мохамад йатахад-дас ан аль-алам аль муасыр (хивар маа Виталий Наумкин). Махатхир бин Мохамад о современном мире (беседа с Виталием Наумкиным) = Mahathir bin Mohamad on the Contemporary World (A Conversation with Vitaly Naumkin) = Махатхир бин Мохамад йатахад-дас ан аль-алам аль муасыр (хивар маа Виталий Наумкин).

Naumkin Vitaly

Mahathir bin Mohamad on the Contemporary World (A Conversation with Vitaly Naumkin).

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2013, 175 p.

Dr. Mahathir is the founding father of modern Malaysia, the creator of the “Malaysian Miracle”. Throughout his tenure as Prime Minister for over 22 years (since 16 July, 1981, until 31 October, 2003) Mahathir realized his ideas of transforming Malaysia into a modern state with a highly developed economy, independent internal and foreign policies seeking to build up a community relying on Asian and pristine Malaysian values. He sought to implement the goals of overcoming the historic backwardness of the Malay ethnicity, of neutralizing the divide between the Bumiputras and non-Malays and securing for Malaysia an opportunity to deal with Western powers on an equal footing. Mahathir is widely known in the world as a relenting critic of double standards in politics and a fighter for the rights of Asian developing nations. Prof. Vitaly Naumkin, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, was lucky to have a chance to visit Putrajaya and meet Dr. Mahathir. They had a very long and thoroughgoing discussion about the modern world, system of international relations, Islam, Malaysia and its historic experience. During their conversation V. Naumkin asked the former leader of that amazing nation several questions, some of them were hard to answer. This book includes the text of this conversation preceded by a brief biography of Dr. Mahathir compiled by an expert in Malaysian affairs Dr. Vladimir Sautov.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Махатхир бин Мохамад о современном мире (беседа с Виталием Наумкиным) = Mahathir bin Mohamad on the Contemporary World (A Conversation with Vitaly Naumkin) = Махатхир бин Мохамад йатахад-дас ан аль-алам аль муасыр (хивар маа Виталий Наумкин).