
Grozin A.

Armed Forces of Kazakhstan and National Security of the Republic

Еditor: Aleksandrov Yuriy

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2008, 184 p.

The author researches the role of Kazakhstan Armed Forces in providing national security of the state. Special attention is paid to the situation regarding national security in Post-Soviet Central Asian countries after 11 September 2001 events. The researcher also considers in detail the state, problems and perspectives of military cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan. A special chapter is devoted to quantitative and qualitative analysis of Kazakhstan army personnel. Characteristics of the main directions of military reform of Kazakhstan Armed Forces and the state of military-scientific thought in the republic are presented as well.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Вооруженные Силы Казахстана и национальная безопасность республики