
Kirina Goly`gina

Be Acquainted with Famous China Tea. (The Essay on Tea-growing and Guid-book of Species, Sorts and Brends of China Tea.)

Москва, 2008, 96 p.

This book is written for tea buyers. At the same time the author tells about the role of tea in Chinese culture and tea-growing in China from T’ang Dynasty (618–907) to Qin (1644–1911). In researcher’s opinion “tea canon” consists of the writings in which problems of tea-growing and its rules were discussed. “Tea canon” also means tea ceremony incarnated in canonised “image of tea”. The book is focused on a wide readership – tea-lovers and amateurs of oriental exotic as well as for experts-orientalists specialising in culture, literature, history, ethnography of China.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Знакомьтесь, знаменитые чаи Китая. (Очерк чаеводства и путеводитель по видам, сортам и маркам китайского чая.)