
The East as a Subject of Economic Researches : Es-says, Articles, Elaborations

Еditor: A. Petrov
Compilator: A. Petrov

Москва, 2008, 600 p.

The book consists of seven sections. The first one presents the analysis of the “Comprehensive forecast of economic, social and political development of Asian and North African countries up to year 2005” developed by the Institute of Oriental Studies in 1986. The following 4 sections are devoted to the economics of the modern East, the theory of multi-sectoral economic phenomena, economic history, and philosophical problems of the economic thought. The authors of the sixth and seventh sections seek to consider economic issues by non-economic indices, including fiction. The editor states in his Foreword that contemporary Oriental economic studies are not restricted with the conventional subjects of research, but have adopted an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach, which is manifested in this book.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Восток как предмет экономических исследований: очерки, статьи, разработки