
В Индию духа… Сб. статей, посвященный 70-летию Ростислава Борисовича Рыбакова В Индию духа… Сб. статей, посвященный 70-летию Ростислава Борисовича Рыбакова

To The India Of The Spirit… A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Rostislav Borisovich Rybakov on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday

Compilator: Zaitsev Ilya, G. Kuzneczova, Shaumyan Tatiana

Москва, 2008, 542 p.

This book devoted to the 70th Jubilee of Prof. R.B. Ryba-kov – an outstanding Russian Indologist, Director of the Insti-tute of Oriental Studies (IOS) (RAS) in 1994–2009 contains materials about his biography and scientific work, congratula-tion letters from his colleagues and friends from Russia and abroad as well as articles by Russian and foreign scholars that touch upon history, national relations, internal and external policies, international ties, ideology, and culture of Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern India. The history of Russian-Indian relations is also elaborated at large. The authors of the book stress a notable contribution of Prof. Rybakov to modern Indology. His academic interests being manifold, embrace all aspects of Indian history, modernity and future. Of great interest are his works devoted to the role of Induism in social and political development of the country, to such problems, as the synthesis of modern and traditional values in religious and cultural sphere, forms of influence of religion on political process under the conditions of mass religiosity, parameters of religious situation development, co-relation of confessional and ethnic factors in multinational and polyconfessional society. This book includes selected bibliography of Dr. Rybakov’s works, information about its authors and well-wishers.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: В Индию духа… Сб. статей, посвященный 70-летию Ростислава Борисовича Рыбакова