
Belonogov Belonogov

The Ambassador in the State of Pyra-mids. From the Memoirs of the Diplomat

Еditor: Egorin Anatoly

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2008, 368 p.

The author is a well-known Soviet and Russian diplomat (former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs). He narrates the story about his work as an Ambassador to Egypt during a complicated transitional period. At that time after Sadat’s break-down of Soviet-Egyptian relations president Mubarak was founding new political and other ties between the coun-tries. The diplomat remembers his meetings and talks with Mubarak and other members of the leadership of this major Arab country, about difficult situation of those days in Egypt itself and around it. Along with the events of his diplomatic life the author devotes a great part of his book to his impressions about Cairo, Alexandria and travels around the country, unique monuments of history and culture. This is the first book published in Russia about Egypt, written by the participant and witness of the described events.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Посол в стране пирамид. Из воспо-минаний дипломата