Государство в истории общества (к проблеме критериев государственности). 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное. Вступ. ст. Д.Н. Лелюхина и Ю.В. Любимова
Еditor: Dmitrij Lelyuxin, Yurij Lyubimov
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Москва, 2001, 334 p.
The situation in social sciences may be characterized as a "conceptual crisis status". It impedes work not only in research field, but also in applications (disputes and discussions on contemporary events, analysis of urgent problems, formation of modernization plans). One of the possible ways to overcome this crisis is to specify the common categories and concepts of the theory of a history, that would promote more adequate recognition and interpretation of the facts of the historical past, stricter analysis of many phenomena and processes of modernity. Such a work is of great Importance, because nowadays a way of development is one of the urgent problems for many societies, especially for Russia. The present collection deals with a problem of criteria of the state. Critical analysis of the existing conceptions, historiography and, first of all, results of own researches is tasked to point at an insufficiency and an inadequacy of traditional notions about "attributes" of the state, its basic characteristics. Within the framework of wide (as far as possible for the collection) historical context to designate some approaches to the problem.
РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Государство в истории общества (к проблеме критериев государственности). 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное. Вступ. ст. Д.Н. Лелюхина и Ю.В. Любимова