
Идея Ирана. Толкование к истории искусства и архитектуры Идея Ирана. Толкование к истории искусства и архитектуры

Shukurov Sh.

Идея Ирана. Толкование к истории искусства и архитектуры

Москва, 2021, 280 p.

The book investigates the rules of organization of figurative images and compositions in the Iranian art. The visual art of medieval Iran is considered against the broad background of other representations of culture: literature, philosophy, handicraft. The author traces the logic of the art movement, its transformation on the way of transition from graphic forms to purely figurative ones. Special attention is paid to the Persian poetologic terminology, as well as mod¬ern terminological inventory of history and theory of art, rhetoric, and literary poetics. The work is concluded with a series of practical designs and compositional schemes based on theoretical deductions in the main text of the study.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Идея Ирана. Толкование к истории искусства и архитектуры