
Восточные ветви российской диаспоры Восточные ветви российской диаспоры

Восточные ветви российской диаспоры

Том 4. История и современность: Коллективная монография

Editor: Panarina Daria
Compilator: Panarina Daria

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2021, 594 p.


Introduction . ............................................................................ 7
Political Aspects and Economic Conditions Chapter 1. Russian Diaspora in Xinjiang in XIX –
Early XX Century
(Nazemtseva E.N.) . ............................................................ 18
Chapter 2. Confessional Policy towards the Christian
Minorities of the Russian Diaspora in Northeastern China (1896–1945)
(Rodionova K.I.) . ................................................................ 57
Chapter 3. Russian Diaspora in Israel: From Guests to Hosts (in English)
(Karolina Jędrzejewska) . ..................................................... 84
Chapter 4. The Russian Diaspora in Pakistan as a Hostage
of Contractual Relations between Countries
(Bakanova M.V.) . ............................................................... 113
Chapter 5. Russian Diaspora in New Zealand
(Vysotskaya M.V.) . ............................................................ 154
Socio-Cultural Factors of Life
Chapter 6. The Problem of Adaptation of Russian Emigrants
in North-East Africa in the 1920s–1930s: A New Historical Source
(Antoshin A.V.) . ............................................................... 198
Chapter 7. Features of the impact of education and migration
on the language situation in Kazakhstan before the COVID-19 pandemic
(Smirnova Yu.G.) . .............................................................. 209
Chapter 8. Organizations of Russian Emigrant Youth
in Tianjin (1920s-early 1940s)
(Smirnov S.V.) . .................................................................. 228
Chapter 9. The Evolution of Australian Russians Attitude
to Their Historical Motherland (XX – early XXI в.)
(Skorobogatykh N.S.) . ........................................................ 248
Pages of History
Russians in Australia in 1820 (To the 200th Anniversary of the Sojourn in Australia
of Russian Circumnavigated Expeditions on
Sloops Otkrytie and Blagonamerenny and Vostok and Mirny)
(Massov A.Ya.) . ................................................................. 312
Chapter 11. To the 70th Anniversary of the All-Australian
Russian-language Newspaper Edinenie
(Kanevskaya G.I.) . .............................................................. 339
Chapter 12. The Russia-Soviet “Displaced Persons” as
a Part of the Post-WWW II Emigration from Europe to New Zealand (1949–1951)
(Rudnikova E.V.) . .............................................................. 356
Chapter 13. Russian Explorers in the Indian Ocean:
Images of the Past (XV–XIX Centuries)
(Pogadaev V.A.) . ............................................................... 394
Chapter 14. Russians in the Philippines: History of Presence
and Modern Times
(Panarina D.S.) . ................................................................. 425
Chapter 15. The Famine of 1921 in Russia and Assistance
to Far Eastern Emigration (in English)
(Uriadova A.V.) . ................................................................ 471
“Portraits” of Remarkable People Chapter 16. A.A. Polovtsov (1867–1944) in India
(Zagorodnikova T.N.) . ....................................................... 487
Chapter 17. Russian Artists of the 1920–1940s in Central Asia
(Shafranskaya E.F.) . ........................................................... 505
Abstract . .................................................................................... 534
Bibliography . ........................................................................... 548

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Восточные ветви российской диаспоры