
Буддийская община глазами наставника Догэна Буддийская община глазами наставника Догэна
Буддийская община глазами наставника Догэна Буддийская община глазами наставника Догэна

Babkova Maya, Trubnikova Nadezhda

The Buddhist Community As Viewed By Dogen Zenji

Москва; Санкт-Петербург, 2019, 352 p.


Dōgen Zenji (1200–1253) is one of the first Buddhist teachers of meditation, zen, and one of the most active religious leaders of the time. At Eiheiji temple, founded by Dōgen in 1245, and in many other Buddhist monasteries all over the world the monks nowadays continue to follow the precepts that Dōgen elaborated. The monograph considers Dōgen’s worldview in context of the process of assimilation of the Chinese Buddhism in Japan. The study aims to show, how in XIII–XIV cc. innovations in the way of life of the monastic community, in cult and in the Buddhist practice stroke roots amidst Japanese Buddhist monks. The monograph consists of the articles published as results of the study project “Dōgen and Zen Tradition in the Japanese Buddhist Monastic Order of XIII-XIV centuries” (2015–2017, Russian Foundation for Humanities, 15-03-00140а) and of the translations of 11 Dōgen’s texts (the chapters from “Shōbōgenzō”) as part of the same project.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Буддийская община глазами наставника Догэна