
Народы Средней Азии III–VI веков (по древним китайским и западным источникам). Народы Средней Азии III–VI веков (по древним китайским и западным источникам).

Lyudmila Borovkova

The People of Middle Asia in the 3–6th Centuries (Based on Ancient Chinese and Western Sources)

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2008, 367 p.

The author expresses her notion about some historical events in Middle Asia and throws the light on a number of vaguenesses and contradictions in identification of Early Middle Ages states’ territories. The book is the result of a long-term research by L.A. Borovkova of ancient Chinese sources read in the original. It is a sequel of her former published by the Institute works: “The Kingdoms of ‘Western Region’ in II–I Centuries B.C.” (2001) and “The Kushan Kingdom” (2005) also embracing later historical period of I–II centuries A.D.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Народы Средней Азии III–VI веков (по древним китайским и западным источникам).