
Исторические и духовные связи Тибета с Россией, Индией и Монголией Исторические и духовные связи Тибета с Россией, Индией и Монголией

Historical and spiritual relations between Tibet and Russia, India and Mongolia

Compilator: Kuzmin Sergius, Shaumyan Tatiana

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2014, 50 p.

Foreword, by T. L. Shaumian and S.L. Kuzmin
The Dalai Lama and Post-Soviet Era, by Telo Tulku Rinpoche
A brief survey of Tibetan-Russian relations from 17th to 21st centuries, by Nawang Rabgyal
Comparative aspects of the formation of Tibetan and Chinese traditions of Buddhism in the
context of the problem of authentic Buddhism, by I.S. Urbanaeva
Buddhism and science, by Ngawang Thugje
Some problems of preservation of the Tibetan culture and "returning" of Buddhism to India, by
S. Y. Lepekhov
Meetings with the Dalai Lama, by A.A. Terentyev
On the intellectual heritage of Tibet, by R.N. Krapivina
Traditions of Russian Tibetology and the problem of transcription of Tibetan names and terms,
by A.D. Tsendina
Dual consciousness of Buddhists in Kanthian categories, by M.P. Bitkeev
On the future of tulku institution in the Tibetan Buddhism, by R.T. Sabirov
On Tibeto-Mongolian civilization, by S.L. Kuzmin
Tibetology in Russia in the context of historical contacts of Russia and Tibet, by T.L. Shaumian
History and activity of the Y.N. Roerich Memorial Room in the Institute of Oriental Studies of
the Ruyssian Academy of Sciences, by S.C. Ofertas

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Исторические и духовные связи Тибета с Россией, Индией и Монголией