
Внешняя политика Японии: история и современность. Учебное пособие Внешняя политика Японии: история и современность. Учебное пособие

Dobrinskaya Olga, Molodyakova Elgena, Molodiakov Vassili

Foreign Policy of Japan : History and Modernity. Students’ Manual

General Editor: Molodyakova Elgena

Москва, 2008, 320 p.

This manual is compiled on the basis of educational-methodological complex of regions studies issued by Moscow State University of International Relations (MFA of RF) in 2004 and corresponds to Prof. Molodiakova’s course “Foreign Policy of Japan”. The contributors to the book are scholars of the Institute of Oriental Studies (RAS) as well as researchers from the leading scientific and educational institutions of Russia. The work consists of 15 chapters and chronology of major events. The first four chapters are devoted to the formation and development of modern Japanese diplomacy up to end of the World War II. Other chapters deal with the most important bilateral relations of Japan and analyse the most significant methods of Japanese foreign policy. Each chapter is provided with recommended literature and tests.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Внешняя политика Японии: история и современность. Учебное пособие