
Очерки изучения буддизма древней Индии Очерки изучения буддизма древней Индии

Androsov Valery

Selected Essays on Buddhism in Ancient India


Москва, 2019, 799 p.

In the first part of the volume «Selected Essays on Buddhism in Ancient India» the author summarizes his 40 years long research work in Buddhist studies, touching upon topical problems of the Lesser, Great and Diamond vehicles of the Indian Buddhism. The second part comprises the translations from Sanskrit, with commentaries, of the twelve chapters of «Guhya-samaja-tantra» which are considered to be oldest, and also the initial chapters of «Hevajra- tantra», for the first time in Russian Buddhology.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Очерки изучения буддизма древней Индии