Foreign fighters in the ranks of terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq
Еditor: Mrkić Ivan, Plotnikov Nikolay
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Москва, Белград, 2019, 52 p.
Editor in chief from the Russian side: Nikolay Plotnikov - Head of the Center for Scientific and Analytical Information at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN), Doctor of Political Science.
Editor in chief from the Serbian side: Ivan Mrkić - former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, President of the «Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Mediation – Conflux».
Reviewer from the Russian side: Valeriy Zakharov, lead expert of the Center for Scientific and Analytical Information of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAN, MA - Philosophy.
Reviewers from the Serbian side: Ambassador Miloš Strugar - Executive Director of «Conflux Center», Goran Topalović - Doctoral Candidate of Political Science, Director of Operations of «Conflux Center» and Bojan Bugarčić, Doctor of Science, Executive Director of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Foreign fighters in the ranks of terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq. – Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, (RAN) (Russian Federation); Belgrade: «Conflux Center» (Republic of Serbia)
РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Иностранные боевики в рядах террористических организаций в Сирии и Ираке