
«Сказание о Савитри». Архаический миф в древней  и средневековой традиции «Сказание о Савитри». Архаический миф в древней и средневековой традиции

Tyulina Elena

The Story of Savitri. Archaic Myth in Ancient and Medieval Tradition

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2019, 168 p.

The author of the book «Skazanie o Savitri». Arhaicheskij mif v drevnej i srednevekovoj tradicii («The Story of Savitri. Archaic Myth in Ancient and Medieval Tradition») explores the Story of Savitri, which is part of the III book (Aranyakaparva) of the Mahabharata (Mbh III.277–283). This is one of the most famous and poetic legends of ancient India about a woman’s devotion to her husband. The book shows how the archaic myth of the heroine’s journey to the world of the dead to save her husband from death is transformed in the Indian tradition and what changes it undergoes in the Mahabharata and the medieval version of the story, which we find in the Matsya-purana (MP 208–214). The most important part of the monograph is the translation of both versions of the Story of Savitri, provided with a detailed commentary.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: «Сказание о Савитри». Архаический миф в древней и средневековой традиции