
Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 18:  Арабская филология: традиции и современность Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 18: Арабская филология: традиции и современность
Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 18:  Арабская филология: традиции и современность Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 18: Арабская филология: традиции и современность

Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 18: Арабская филология: традиции и современность

Еditor: Alizade Elmira

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2018, 308 p.


Proceedings of the XI Annual Conference of Arabists.
Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. Arab and Islamic studies
Center. November 21-23, 2016...................................................... 11
L. F. Alyokhina. Publicism and artistic creativity of the Lebanese
writer George Hanna .................................................................... 12
E. А. Ali-zade. L.N. Tolstoy and Arabic literary criticism................ 36
A. G. Belova. New terms and notions in the Arabic Linguistics ....... 64
I. Е. Bilyk (RSUH). “Osiris”: the play by Ali Ahmed Bakasir
and the interpretation of the ancient Egyptian
mythological motives.................................................................... 75
I. V. Gerasimov (SPbU). Description of Sudan in the work
of Muhammad Hussein Haikal“Ashrat Ayyam fi-s-Sudan”........... 97
М. V. Nikolaeva. The Broadway and the Desert: East and West
in Rihani’s works.........................................................................119
N. А. Uspenskaya (MGIMO). Baha Tahir and Ernest Hemingway
about love and war...................................................................... 134
Yafia Yusif Jamil Hana (SPbU). Copies of the Manuscript
az-Zamahshari “Atwaq az-zahab” .............................................. 151
N. М. Shuyskaya (MGIMO). The modern Arab novel – the prize-winner of the International Contest (“Frankenstein
in Baghdad” by Ahmad Saadawi.................................................. 160
Proceedings of the XII Annual Conference of Arabists.
Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. Arab and Islamic studies
Center. November 27, 29, 2017....................................................177
L. F. Alyokhina. Epic or epoch (about the book of Georges Hannah
“Kassat al-insan”)...................................................................... 178
М.N. Nikolaeva. “The Day of Revolution terriblе
like fire smoke…” Two poems by Ameen ar-Reyhani................... 190
I. Е. Bilyk (RSUH). Interpretation of the mythologic motives
in the play “Uruk seeks for Gilgamesh” by Nazeer el-Azma.........207
А. А. Мokrushina (SPbU). Conscience and Morality
in the play of Mustafa Mahmud “Man and Shadow”................... 226
N. М. Shuyskaya (MGIMO). The problem of confessionalism
in the Arab novel of XXI century................................................. 232
E. А. Аli-zade. “Great Pentateuch” by F.M. Dostoevsky:
evolution of the Arab vision ........................................................ 246
Е. V. Smirnova. Arab authors on Russian-Arab cultural links
(19th – early 20th century).......................................................... 273
Yafia Yusif Jamil Hana (SPbU). Семантика корня dagg
в багдадском диалекте.............................................................. 290
N. N. Lobyreva (SPbU). The image of family in the proverbs
of Baghdadi dialect ..................................................................... 295
N. S. Hamidova (SPbU). Copies of the “Taj al-Lugha
wa Sihah al-Arabiya” manuscript by al-Jawhari
in the collections of the FAAS Library......................................... 301

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 18: Арабская филология: традиции и современность