
Лувийский язык в пространстве и времени Лувийский язык в пространстве и времени
Лувийский язык в пространстве и времени Лувийский язык в пространстве и времени

Yakubovich Ilya

The Luwian language in space and time

Москва, 2019, 464 p.

The Luwian language, as well as Hittite was used in writing in the second millennium BC in the Kingdom of Hattusa, which is also known as the Hittite Kingdom and was situated on the territory of modern Turkey and northern Syria. Luwian was associated with two different writing systems: the adaptation of Mesopotamian cuneiform and the Anatolian hieroglyphs. But what was the reason for using Luwian, given the presence of a more developed Hittite written tradition? And how can one localize the speakers of Luwian, whose profile in the available historical records is very low? The present monograph offers answer to these questions by way of deploying analytical methods that reflects the latest accomplishments of contact linguistics. The book can be recommended to specialists in language contact, comparative linguists, philologists and anthropologists, as well as all those interested in Ancient Near Eastern history.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Лувийский язык в пространстве и времени