Индийский океан: вызовы XXI в. и Индия
Очерки международных отношений
Еditor: Shaumyan Tatiana
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Москва, 2018, 576 p.
Introduction...... 9
P akt I. T he International Relations in the Indian Ocean after
the End of (
and Zone of Peace to the Concept of £(the Great Indian Ocean51.......21
Chapter 1. The USA in the Indian Ocean:
Some Features of their Course and the System of Bases
in therms the Antiterrorist Wars......39
P art II. New T rends and Factors in the IR System
in the Indian Ocean from the turn of XX-XXI century
Chapter 3. Changing of the Maritime Landscape in Asia
and Maritime Security......65
Chapter 4. China's ^String of Pearls,J Strategy ~ Prehistory,
Motives, Goals and Problems of the First Phase... 92
Chapter 5. The Piracy in the Indian Ocean and the South-East Asia.
Peculiarities of the Situation in the Malacca Strait:
Security Risks and Boundaries of Co-operation....129
Chapter 6. Pirates Threats in the Aden Gulf.
The International Antipiracy Co-Operation: Pluses,
Minuses, Paradoxes..... 164
P art III. T he P lace and Role of India in the Indo-Ocean Zone
Chapter 7. The New Geopolitical Environment and India:
from the Regional Leader on the Way to the Status
of the “Global State”.......196
Chapter 8. 'Three Circles" of the Maritime Strategy.
Modernization of India Navy Profile..... 216
Chapter 9. India and Problems of Co-Operation
in the Indian Ocean and beyond its Bounds
(Case study of some Multilateral Structures)...... 245
Part IV. India Look East P olicy (LEP)
Chapter 10. The First Phase of LEP: Motivation, Tasks, Vectors……275
Chapter 11. The Second Phase of LEP: Accents ou Strategical
Interactions with ASEAN, Australia,
the South Korea and Japan.....302
Chapter 12. Myanma — India Bridge to ASEAN....338
Chapter 13. India Goals of Moving to the Asia-Pacific Region.
The Role of the South-China Sea...... 365
Part V. Ti-ih Indian Ocean and Forming
op тин iNDO-PAcrnc Region (IPR); New C halU'Ngbs and Shifts in IR
Chapter 14. USA uAsian Pivot-201 Г1: Main Directions,
Mechanisms, Goals......401
Chapter 15. India vs China in the Indian Ocean
in the XXI century.......429
Chapter 16. (
Risks, Reaction......475
Chapter 17. Responses of India to Chinese Projects.
USA Plans in Eurasia....... 517
Chapter 18. New Trends in Maritime Strategies-2015 of USA,
PRC, RF, India. Why is the strained situation on the Junction
of Indian and Pacific Oceans so dangerous?.....539
Summary 575