
Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 12: Независимая Индия – 70: достижения и проблемы Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 12: Независимая Индия – 70: достижения и проблемы
Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 12: Независимая Индия – 70: достижения и проблемы Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 12: Независимая Индия – 70: достижения и проблемы

Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 12: Независимая Индия – 70: достижения и проблемы

Еditor: Kashin Valeriy, Rabei Sergey, Shaumyan Tatiana

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2018, 488 p.


Introduction.......................................................................................... 11
Felix Yurlov. Experience of Independent India.................................... 13
Part I. Economics and economic policy .......................................... 29
Galina Sdasyuk. Programmes of Acceleration of Indian
Economic Development: Achievements, Problems, Perspectives........ 30
Sergey Kamenev. Economics of India:
Nadendra Modi Government Came to Power ................................... 47
Alexander Akimov. Population Growth and Urbanization in India
as Factors Influencing Food Supply. Forecast up to 2050.................. 65
Alexander Akimov. Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
in India: Current State, Perspective, and Problems............................. 76
Olga Vecherina. Fantastic Rise of Indian
Cutting Industry: 70 Years of Success ................................................ 89
Irina Deryugina. The Problem of Hunger
in South Asia: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan ........................................109
Nina Alekseeva. Interbasin Transfer
and Food Security in India..................................................................135
Mikhail Borisov. Prospects for the Development
of Energy Sector in India.....................................................................148
Sergey Rabey. 70 Years of India's Independence in Energy Sector..... 169
Sergey Rabey. Intersection of Interests between Energy and
Agricultural Sectors in India……………………………............................. 181
Srinivas Junuguru (India). The Fast Growing
Indian Economy: Prospects and Challenges........................................190
Part II. Domestic and Foreign policy………….......................................205
Evgeniya Yurlova. Politics of Indian Government
in Regard to Religious Minorities, Dalits and Tribes.......................... 206
Evgeniya Yurlova. Castes in India.........................................................220
Galina Sdasyuk. India: Acute Ecological Problems
and Changes of Agriculture Policy ..................................................... 241
Valeriy Titov. Narendra Modi's Strategy:
Ambitiousness and Realism, Potential and Limitations ..................... 256
Tatiana Shaumian. New Personalities in India’s Foreign Polic ......... 272
Tatiana Shaumian. Confrontation in the Himalayas:
Territorial Problems in the Historical Perspective ..............................287
Mohammed Badrul Alam (India). India’s New Foreign Policy
towards Japan: Is it a Paradigm Shift? ............................................... 307
Valeriy Kashin. India – Israel:
from Difficult Dialogue to Strategic Partnership ................................316
Natalia Zamaraeva. Pakistan-India Relations in 2015–2017.............. 337
Nina Gavryushina. Development of Modern Indian Literature
During the Past 70 Years: Major Trends and Trajectories
(on the Example of Hindi Literature) …............................................. 358
Maksim Demchenko. Jagadguru Ramanandacharyas
and Their Impact on Politics in Contemporary India ........................374
Irina Serenko. India-Pakistan: Сomparative Study
of Education Systems (1947–2017) ....................................................382
Anna Bychkova. “Seven Sisters”:
Ethnicity and Transboundary Movement ...........................................395
Lyubov Parshina. The Evolution
of Indian Federalism: Aspirant States …............................................. 405
Taisia Petuhova. Ganges in Independent India:
a Sacred River or a Gutter? ................................................................416
Taisia Petuhova. The Problem of Water Resources Management
in the Policy of N. Modi Government in 2014–2015:
Internal and External Aspects .............................................................429
Yana Sadovnikova. BJP Government's Initiative
in the Field of Socio-Economic Design .............................................442
Shalini Balaiah (India). Cross Border Terrorism Threats
in India: Strategies and Challenges .....................................................458
Raja Pingua (India). India after Independence,
Cooperation with Russia: Challenges and Opportunities ................... 476

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 12: Независимая Индия – 70: достижения и проблемы