Editor: Vasilyev Dmitri
Еditor: Dosovitskaya Vera
Москва, 2018, 224 p.
The monograph is devoted to the historical map of the Swedish officer I. Renate "Dzungarian Kalmyks, which are subject to cotons" of the first third of the XVIII century. In the work, the geographic names on the map were studied and historical information was provided for each of them. Most of the work is devoted to the origin of toponyms and hydronyms. The map is also viewed as a source on the history of the Ili Uighurs, the history of ancient ore and non-ore deposits in the region. The result of the author's research was topographical reconstruction, based on the Renat’s map.
The book is oriented on historians-orientalists, geologists, students of relevant specialties, a wide range of readers interested in the history of Central Asia.