
Записки (Лебединая песня) старого востоковеда Записки (Лебединая песня) старого востоковеда
Записки (Лебединая песня) старого востоковеда Записки (Лебединая песня) старого востоковеда

Khazanov Anatoliy

Notes of the Old Orientalist (Swan Song)

Москва, 2016, 88 p.

The author of the book is a famous Orientalist and Africanist, senior staff scientist of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS). In this book, Anatoly M. Khazanov sums up his scientific and pedagogical activity, recalls travels, curious instructive episodes of his life, and also meetings with people who have had a great influence on the formation of his personality. This book is the completion of the author’s memoirs trilogy. The first two books are: “50 Years in the Temple of Oriental Studies” (Moscow, 2009); “I Learned the Skill of the Historian from Them” (Moscow, 2014). Numerous books of the author can be read on his personal website

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Записки (Лебединая песня) старого востоковеда