
Арабский мир, ислам и Россия : прошлое и настоящее.  Избранные главы, статьи, лекции, доклады Арабский мир, ислам и Россия : прошлое и настоящее. Избранные главы, статьи, лекции, доклады

Naumkin Vitaly

Arab World, Islam and Russia : Past and Present. Selected Chapters, Articles, Lectures and Reports

Compilator: Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav, Zvyagelskaya Irina

Москва, 2013, 528 p.

The book contains selected articles, chapters from the works, reports to conferences, interview to Mass Media, and lectures of a well-known Russian Orientologist, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies (RAS), Corresponding member of RAS, Prof. V.V. Naumkin for the period since 2009 to 2013. The papers are devoted to vital problems of the states and societies of the Arab East, Islamic World and their relations with Russia. The most part of these scientific works of “small genre” was published in periodicals, collections of articles, and materials of the conferences held in Russia and abroad, which was issued in the past, or still remained unpublished. The works in English are also included in the book. The appearance of this collection of articles gives the possibility to make these researches available both for specialists and for a wide readership, always taking great interest in the creations of the author.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Арабский мир, ислам и Россия : прошлое и настоящее. Избранные главы, статьи, лекции, доклады