
“We Live Together, “the Young People” of Different Age...”. Collection of Articles in Memory of Orientologist-Turkologist Academician A.N. Samoilovich

Compilator: Vasilyev Aleksandr, Dmitriev Sergey

Москва, 2012, 136 p.

This collection includes articles of young Russian researchers – Turkologists and Mongolists. These fields of science have always been a priority in Rus-sian Oriental studies, including the fact that in contrast to some other subjects of Orientalistic science they studied the nations which were part of the Russian Empire, USSR and contemporary Russia. Their traditions were formed long ago and never interrupted. The activities of Russian experts and the scientists – representatives of Turkic and Mongol peoples were always co-related. Now a new generation of researchers begins to assert itself. Their works are presented in this book. It is dedicated to the memory of outstanding scientist-Turkologist Academician A.N. Samoilovich (1880 – 1938). This scientist combined the scientific talent and social temperament. He was the author of numerous works on language, culture, literature, ethnography, history of the Turkic peoples, publications of literary monuments. He also led a variety of scientific, organizational, educational and diplomatic activities. In 1934 – 1937 A.N. Samoilovich headed Academic Institute of Oriental Studies. The title of this book is the quotation from the letter written by A.N. Samoilovich to V.A. Gordlevsky on 14 September 1915.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: «Живем дружно, «молодые» разного возраста...» : сб. статей в память востоковеда-тюрколога, академика А.Н. Самойловича