Kurds of Modern Turkey: Migration, Neoliberalism and Exclusion in Turkish Society
London & New York, 2011, 228 p.
The role of the Kurds in Turkey has long been a controversial issue, although discussion has generally been focused around the political and cultural rights and activities of the Kurds. This book aims to bring a new approach to this contentious subject by shifting attention to the changing popular image of the Kurds in Turkish cities. It focuses particularly on the ways in which the middle-class in Turkish cities develop an exclusionary discourse against the Kurds. Cenk Saraçoglu investigates the social origins of such a perception by bringing into focus how neoliberal economic policies and Kurdish migration have transformed urban life in Turkey.
РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Курды современной Турции: миграция, неолиберализм и отчуждение в турецком обществе