
Корпус тюркских рунических надписей Южной Сибири.  Ч. 1. Древнетюркская эпиграфика Алтая Корпус тюркских рунических надписей Южной Сибири. Ч. 1. Древнетюркская эпиграфика Алтая

Vasilyev Dmitri

Corpus of Turkic Runic Inscriptions in South Siberia. P. 1. Ancient Turkic Epigraphy of the Altaic Region

Астана, 2013, 268 p.

The book presents a lot of Turkic runic written epigraphic monuments which have not been published till now. This work provides serious historical and philological comments. The texts are the unique sources of the information on early mediaeval history of indigenous peoples of South Siberia. They also prove rather wide proliferation of literacy in nomadic community and, corresponding to it, original civilizational level. The research is addressed to Turkologists, experts on comparative historical linguistics, historians, and archaeologists.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Корпус тюркских рунических надписей Южной Сибири. Ч. 1. Древнетюркская эпиграфика Алтая