
Первый российский востоковед Дмитрий Кантемир Первый российский востоковед Дмитрий Кантемир

Pavel Gusterin

First Russian Orientalist Dmitry Kantemir

Еditor: Naumkin Vitaly

Москва, 2008, 112 p.

The collection consists of two of the same name essays in Russian and English. The essays are self-composed works, adding each other as in them foundation there are different materials. In them, the author proved Dmitry K. Kantemir’s first place in the history of the Russian science about the Orient, stressing significance of his activity for the devel-opment of some directions of oriental studies. The collection is intended for all those who are interested in the history of oriental studies.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Первый российский востоковед Дмитрий Кантемир