
Bylinyak Stanislav

Transboundary Financial Flows and External Debt. Students’ Aid

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2008, 86 p.

This book consists of two parts. The first one analyses the modern transboundary financial flows and the second one considers the problems of external debt of the countries integrated in the system of world economy. Special chapter is devoted to the peculiarities of Russia’s integration in the world financial market. Taking into account the specialisation of the students of the Oriental University, great attention is paid to the countries with forming financial markets, in most cases they are the countries of the East. The problems scrutinised by the author of this book have gained special currency in the conditions of rapid financial globalisation with its diverse results fot the countries with forming financial markets.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Трансграничные финансовые потоки и внешний долг. Учеб. пособие