ByzantinoCaucasica. Выпуск 4
Ekaterina Armarchuk, Bystritskiy N., Druzhinina Inga, Danila Dry`ga, Aleksandra Evdokimova, Endoltseva Ekaterina, Inal Kabardov, Viktor Rastvorov, Valerij Stepanenko, Nelli Tabueva, Valerij Flyorov, Irina Czokur, Evgenij Chugunov, Chkhaidze Viktor, Il`ya Shigaev
Еditor: Chkhaidze Viktor
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Москва, 2024, 218 p.
The fourth issue of the collection examines the current problems of the socio-political and cultural history of Byzantium and the Caucasus. Some of the works are devoted to medieval archaeology, church architecture, art history, funeral rites, issues of historical, cultural, political and religious interaction of the peoples who were part of the Byzantine Empire and the surrounding Ecumenical community. The yearbook is intended for historians, archaeologists, source historians, art historians, as well as anyone interested in the history of Byzantium, Post-Byzantium, the Caucasus, and adjacent territories.
Stepanenko V. P. Byzantium and the State of Transcaucasia in Year 30–50
of 11th century (to Bagrat IV Embassies in Constantinople)…...............… 7
Evdokimova А. А. Gelati, the Greek inscriptions
on Frescos and Mosaics and its Accentuation ......................................... 19
Flyorov V. S. Fortified(?) Settlement(?)
on the Right-Bank Tsimlyansk settlement ................................................ 41
Armarchuk E. A. Beads from the Excavations
of the Temple on Sakharnaya Golovka Mountain
in the Northeastern Black Sea Region: the First Review .......................... 47
Endoltseva E. Yu., Dryga D. O., B. A. Alborov,
N. G. Tabueva, E. V. Chugunov, I. B. Shigaev, Bystritsky N. I.
The Church Near the Town of Kvaysa
(Dzau District, Republic of South Ossetia):
An Attempt to Reconstruct an Architectural Decorationn ....................... 65
Tsokur I. V., Chkhaidze V. N. The Church 5 on the Settlement
of Nizhny Arkhyz (Excavations in 1986) ................................................ 81
Chkhaidze V. N., Druzhinina I. A. The Church 5 on the Settlement
of Nizhny Arkhyz (Excavations in 2022) .............................................. 117
Druzhinina I. A. Sheikh Haydar’s campaign
to the North Caucasus in 1486 and two partitions of Kabarda ....................... 167
Kabardov I. B. Arabisms in the socio-political vocabulary
of Medieval Kabarda ............................................................................... 183
Rastvorov V. A. The Pictyresque programs of the masters of the Venetian
Renaissance in the early 16th century as avisualization
of the debate in Venetian-Mamluk relations ........................................... 193
List of abbreviations ................................................................................... 215
Information about the authors ....................................................................... 216
РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: ByzantinoCaucasica. Выпуск 4