
Дели в эпоху Поздних Моголов: история, общество, культура Дели в эпоху Поздних Моголов: история, общество, культура

Aleksandra Kozlova


Editor: Bochkovskaya Anna

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2024, 464 p.

Chapter 1. The Struggle for the Later Mughals’ Capital:
Political Confrontation in North India (XVIIIth – first
half of the XIXth CC.) .................................................................43
The Mughal Empire after Aurangzeb’s Demise:
The Battle for the Throne (1707–1719) ................................. 44
Delhi under Muhammad Shah Rangila: Stability
of the Throne Amid Political Decline (1719–1748)............... 48
“From Delhi to Palam”: Disintegration of the State
under Strikes of the Conquerors (1748–1806)........................ 54
Silence Before the Storm and Dissolution of the Empire:
Delhi under Akbar Shah II (1806–1837) and Bahadur
Shah II (1837–1857)............................................................... 54
Chapter 2. Symbol of Power during the Decline
of the Empire: Historical and Cultural Environment
of Delhi and Its Perception by the “Outsiders”..........................81
Demography of Delhi in the XVIII–XIXth Centuries:
Size and Dynamics of Population........................................... 82
“Special Atmosphere” of the Capital:
Delhi’s Ethno-Religious Composition and the
Occupations of Dilliwalas .................................................... 105
“Streets Full of Joy and Music…”: Religious Festivals
and Amusements................................................................... 225
Admiration and Disappointment: The City in the
Mid-19th Century through Foreign Travelers’ Eyes............ 137
Chapter 3. Daily Life of the Capital City:
Experience and Pragmatism ......................................................148
Locus in quo: The City Bazaars............................................ 149
Eating Habits and Dietary Restrictions as Seen from
“Outside” ............................................................................. 167
For Special Occasions and for Everyday Life:
Beverages and Drinking Water............................................. 176
Betel, Opium and Hookah for Weekdays and Holidays....... 187
Leisure Time: Games and Entertainment ............................. 198
“In a Palanquin, on Horseback, or on Camelback”:
Routes and Travel Modes..................................................... 216
Chapter 4. Delhi as a Centre of North India’s Integrated
Culture: Continuation and Development of the Great
Mughal Traditions.......................................................................233
The Fine Arts under Muhammad Shah Rangila ................... 234
Contribution of the Last Mughal Rulers and Foreigners
to the Development of the Arts............................................. 248
Gardens and Architecture: Markers of the State
Efficiency .............................................................................. 270
Studies and Education under the Later Mughals:
A Case of the Delhi College ................................................. 305
From a Sacred Locus to a Sociocultural Landscape:
Dargahs in the Life of the Capital........................................ 325
Conclusion ..................................................................................343
Bibliography ...............................................................................350
1. List of Rulers of the Mughal Empire................................ 386
2. Maps ................................................................................. 387
3. Illustrations....................................................................... 391
4. Glossary ............................................................................ 418
5. Index of Names................................................................. 438
6. Index of Geographical Names and Places........................ 451

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Дели в эпоху Поздних Моголов: история, общество, культура