Россия и Океания: новые вызовы и перспективы. К 50-летию установления дипломатических отношений между Российской Федерацией и Республикой Фиджи
Antoshin Alexei, Astafieva Ekaterina, Garin Artyom, Arina Lebedeva, Nikolaj Mikluxo-Maklaj, Pale Sofia, Filipp Xanin
Editor: Astafieva Ekaterina
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Москва, 2024, 370 p.
The book includes welcome speeches and full texts of certain papers of the International Scientific Conference “Russia and Oceania: New Challenges and Prospects” dedicated the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Fiji. The Conference was held on 30 January 2024 in St. Petersburg.
Foreword ............................................................................................... 201
Dr. Philipp G. Khanin
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Fiji in the North-West
Region of the Russian Federation
Vladimir V. Zapevalov
Ambassador at large, Representative of the Russian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in St. Petersburg .........................216
Alexey V. Pavlovsky
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of Russia to Australia, concurrent to the Republic of Fiji,
Republic of Vanuatu, Republic of Nauru, and Tuvalu........218
Vladimir V. Kuznetsov
Executive Director of the UN Information Center
in Moscow..........................................................................................220
Ludmila S. Veselova
Assistant Professor at HSE University—
St. Petersburg...................................................................................223
Ekaterina N. Lebedeva
Vice-President of the Union “St. Petersburg Chamber of
Commerce and Industry”
Kamal Chetty
Dr. Philipp G. Khanin
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Fiji in the North-West
Region of the Russian Federation
Diplomacy of Small Island States
Exemplified by the Fiji’s Foreign Policy
in 2006-2024..................................................................................229
Dr. Sofia E. Pale
Senior Researcher at IOS RAS
Dr. Ekaterina M. Astafieva
Senior Researcher at IOS RAS
Frank Bainimarama as the “Father
of the Fijian Nation” ..................................................................247
Dr. Artem A. Garin
Head of the Digital Research Laboratory of Contemporary
East Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS
Integrating Digital Tools into Oriental Studies:
Searching for Promising Areas of
Cooperation between Russia and Fiji ............................274
Natalia N. Solomatina
Head of the Department of the XVIII - early XX century’s
Graphics of the State Russian Museum
Painter P.N. Mikhailov as a Participant of the
F. Bellingshausen and M. Lazarev’s Overseas
Expedition in 1819–1821.
Expedition to the Fiji Islands ...............................................288
Dr. Alexey V. Antoshin
Professor of the Ural Federal University
The Fiji Islands in 1940s — 1980s:
Reality and Image in Minds of Soviet People............303
Nickolay N. Miklouho-Maclay
Head of the Centre for South Pacific Region Studies
Science Diplomacy and Its Impact on Relations
between Russia, Papua New Guinea,
and the South Pacific States ...............................................318
Dr. Arina A. Lebedeva
Researcher of the Museum of Anthropology and
Ethnography (MAE) at RAS
Expeditions to Oceania in 2012, 2013, and 2017 ........337
Roman S. Sura
Assistant to the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Fiji in
the North-West Region of the Russian Federation
The Russian Federation and the Republic of Fiji
(1974 – 2024)...................................................................................359
РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Россия и Океания: новые вызовы и перспективы. К 50-летию установления дипломатических отношений между Российской Федерацией и Республикой Фиджи