
Последний энциклопедист : к юбилею со дня рождения Б.А. Литвинского Последний энциклопедист : к юбилею со дня рождения Б.А. Литвинского
Последний энциклопедист : к юбилею со дня рождения Б.А. Литвинского Последний энциклопедист : к юбилею со дня рождения Б.А. Литвинского

The Last Encyclopedist : The Issue in Honor of the 90-Anniversary of Boris Litvinsky

Editor: Kolganova Galina, Kullanda Sergey, Petrova Anastasia

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2013, 503 p.

The collection of articles is devoted to the memory of B.A. Litvinsky, who would be 90 years old in 2013. Taking into account a wide range of interests and encyclopedic knowledge of this prominent scientist, the published articles cover a wide chronological (from the Eneolithic to the Middle Ages) and geographical (Central Asia, the Middle and Far East) problems. The book includes the newest archeological researches of the South-Tajik archeological expedition, which was founded and headed by B.A. Litvinsky for many years.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Последний энциклопедист : к юбилею со дня рождения Б.А. Литвинского