
Экономика, общество и власть в странах Европейского Союза: треугольник кризиса. Доклад ЦПСК №2 Экономика, общество и власть в странах Европейского Союза: треугольник кризиса. Доклад ЦПСК №2

Ananieva Elena, Lyudmila Baby`nina, Dunaev A., Margarita Klyuchnikova, Dmitrij Kondratov, Vasilij Smirnov, Aleksandr Te`vdoj-Burmuli

Economy, Society and Power in the Countries of European Union : Tri-angle of Crisis. Report № 2 of the Center for Political Systems and Cultures

Compilator: Dunaev A.

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2013, 34 p.

This report was prepared basing on the materials of the round table held at the Faculty of World Politics of Moscow M.V. Lomonosov University in April 22, 2013. The issues discussed at this round table meeting were: monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) in crisis period, separation of the euro-zone countries into two camps – the states of North Europe, led by Germany and the countries of Southern Europe, which are most affected by the sovereign debt crisis. The problems of the countries outside the euro zone were also considered at this meeting, as well as the changes in the party-political landscape in the states of Western Europe during the crisis. The report contains contradictory appraisals of the same events, but smoothing over these differences was beside authors’ purpose, on the contrary, they tried to show the complexity of the relationships within the EU.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Экономика, общество и власть в странах Европейского Союза: треугольник кризиса. Доклад ЦПСК №2