
«Ехали мы сюда с добрыми целями» «Ехали мы сюда с добрыми целями»

Kulikov Andrey

"We went here with Good Purposes"

Russian-Chinese Negotiations in Tianjin (according to the diaries of Archimandrite Palladius (Kafarov) and Baron F.R. Osten-Saken 1857–1858)

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2020, 354 p.

The presented book contains little-known diaries of the head of the XIII Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Beijing, the largest orientalist of the XIX century, Peter Ivanovich Kafarov (in monasticism – Palladius, 1817–1878) and two diaries of Baron Fyodor Romanovich Osten-Saken (1832–1916), who served in Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire. The presented diaries are the most important sources on the history of the Tianjin negotiations of 1858 and the history of domestic and foreign diplomacy of the 19th century. The baron's diaries are published for the first time - the entries are provided with detailed comments and illustrations from the Western periodicals during the negotiations.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: «Ехали мы сюда с добрыми целями»