
Японское общество : изменяющееся и неизменное Японское общество : изменяющееся и неизменное
Японское общество : изменяющееся и неизменное Японское общество : изменяющееся и неизменное

Japanese Society : Changing and Changeless

Еditor: Seda Markar`yancz (Markar`yan), Molodyakova Elgena

Москва, 2014, 300 p.

The new collective monograph accomplished by scientists – Japanists from Russia and other countries considers the problems of Japanese society in the 10s of XXI century. It can be characterized as changing and changeless. Working out the concept of this work, the authors proceeded from the fact that all states at certain stage of their development have certain common features but they are manifested in different ways. The monograph shows how Japanese society is transforming under the influence of economic, political, social, psychological, and religious factors. The authors consider the problems which earlier have not been sufficiently researched in Russian Japanists’ works. These themes include country’s history and native language as social value; religion and classical literature in the system of social values; aesthetic values and system of youth values through the prism of mass-culture, family, and fate of life-long recruitment. All these materials gave the possibility to understand what is constant, and what is changing permanently and is filling with a new sense enriching the life of a separate person and society at large.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Японское общество : изменяющееся и неизменное